Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain
Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain is the largest fountain in Poland and one of the largest in Europe.
The fountain basin with an area of almost 1ha placed 300 water jets ,3 fire nozzles and
800 świetlnych.Woda points is ejected to a height of 40 meters, of water can create a screen on which images are displayed.
Shows are held from May to October, every hour and last for 4 of 30 minutes. On Fridays and Saturdays, evening you can enjoy shows specjalne.Wstęp the shows is free.
Nearby are m.in : Japanese Garden, Centennial Hall, Szczytnicki Park and Zoo.
The fountain is located at the Centennial Hall. Coordinates: 51° 6'31″N 17 ° 4'43″And .
Next to the hall is a large underground parking , convenient public miejską.Bistro-bar, restaurant and toilets in the complex Centennial Hall.