Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain

Wroclaw Multimedia Fountain is the largest fountain in Poland and one of the largest in Europe.
The fountain basin with an area of ​​almost 1ha placed 300 water jets ,3 fire nozzles and
800 świetlnych.Woda points is ejected to a height of 40 meters, of water can create a screen on which images are displayed.
Shows are held from May to October, every hour and last for 4 of 30 minutes. On Fridays and Saturdays, evening you can enjoy shows specjalne.Wstęp the shows is free.
Nearby are m.in : Japanese Garden, Centennial Hall, Szczytnicki Park and Zoo.

The fountain is located at the Centennial Hall. Coordinates: 51° 6'31″N 17 ° 4'43″And .
Next to the hall is a large underground parking , convenient public miejską.Bistro-bar, restaurant and toilets in the complex Centennial Hall.

Schedule of shows




Protur Marcin Szymanski
Tel.: 609 034 832

E-mail: 1ms@wp.pl


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